
Hi, I’m Shannon with Enlivened Studios. So glad you’re here.


I help leaders unlock the power of high-performing teams, so employees stay, build together and thrive.

I do this in a few different ways:

  • Thriving Teams Mentorship identifying the heartbeat of your organization - aligning your core mission and company value system into all of your processes and people. The result? Thriving employees who love the work they do and who stay with your company to do it.

  • Group Facilitation to uncover company values or engage teams to co-create shared vision and strategy. The secret sauce? Immersive training experiences rooted in applied improv, story-sharing and facilitated discussion.

  • Coaching for leaders, emerging managers, public speakers, facilitators and those in creative transition.

  • Interactive Keynote Speaking, using a unique format, combining presentation with an on-your-feet guided group session.


And a more formal bio for you:

Shannon is an experiential facilitator and leadership advisor, committed to unlocking the power of high-impact teams so they stay, build together, and thrive. Through her practice, Enlivened Studios, she blends strategic business mentorship with experiential teaching, to cultivate people-first cultures and foster inclusive, purposeful leadership.

With over 20 years of experience in corporate marketing, HR strategy, and leadership development, Shannon brings both skill and heart to every engagement. Her core belief is that an improv mindset can change the world, fostering belonging and share-of-voice, through a practice of "Yes, and..." versus "Yeah, but..."

Her work is rooted in the values of connection, creativity, family, and inclusivity, which form the culture of Enlivened Studios, and sit at the forefront of every client partnership.


Enlivened Studios’ Culture Manifesto




Tel: 415.272.2951

Email: shannon@enlivenedstudios.com

Look forward to hearing from you....

For more information, or to talk with Shannon about working together, please submit your contact details here to connect.

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